Can Psychological Deterrents Be Used To Reduce Cheating In Examination?
Presence of Anti-Cheating Devices in the examination hall has a huge impact on the mental state of a student. Student’s awareness about being caught through these devices in case of attempt to cheat can prove to limit his/her actions a great deal. It has been established that these psychological deterrents can be used to reduce cheating during the examinations quite effectively. Let’s find out how well they do so: Manual Frisking of Students : Manual frisking of every student by the security personnel leaves a huge impact on them. This will discourage them from stealing chits or carrying non-permissible gadgets within the examination hall with the purpose of cheating. Biometric Devices Outside Examination Halls - Impersonation control through biometric device is a must at the examination centre. The presence of iris and finger print checker will bar the entry of any impersonator. The measure will ensure entry of students whose credentials m...