Consequences of a Power Cut During Examination and its Possible Solution
Power cuts during examination, whether it is frequent or for shorter duration is strictly unacceptable. Some of the consequences of unscheduled power cut during exams are: Some students get the opportunity to cheat by discussing answers with neighbouring student or a friend who is in the same room. Students who have prepared well for the exams may get interrupted and their performance may get affected due to the disturbance. Students who are not well prepared for the exams use power cut as an opportunity to blame examination conducting authorities for their bad performance. Overall, power cut during exams is not good for the student’s future. Also, the sanctity of education system gets adversely affected. What measures should be taken in order to prevent such power cuts? In order to effectively stop such unwanted events, the best remedy is to arrange for a good power back-up system that can ensure uninterrupted power supply. Since power o...