Consequences of a Power Cut During Examination and its Possible Solution

Power cuts during examination, whether it is frequent or for shorter duration is strictly unacceptable. Some of the consequences of unscheduled power cut during exams are:

  • Some students get the opportunity to cheat by discussing answers with neighbouring student or a friend who is in the same room. 
  • Students who have prepared well for the exams may get interrupted and their performance may get affected due to the disturbance.
  • Students who are not well prepared for the exams use power cut as an opportunity to blame examination conducting authorities for their bad performance.

Overall, power cut during exams is not good for the student’s future. Also, the sanctity of education system gets adversely affected. 

What measures should be taken in order to prevent such power cuts?

In order to effectively stop such unwanted events, the best remedy is to arrange for a good power back-up system that can ensure uninterrupted power supply. Since power outages are still common in many parts of the country, Portable Diesel Generator Services offers best solution in order to provide relief in the event of unexpected power cuts. 

The type and capacity of generator required depends on the size of the examination centre and frequency of power cuts in that location. Diesel generators are most commonly used for providing power back-up.

Who provides power back-up facility at such a big scale?

Innovatiview is the big name in the examination industry. It provides all anti cheating services. Although, there are other service providers in the market, but dealing at such a big scale is a matter of responsibility which the company carries well on its shoulders. Innovatiview offers Portable Diesel Generator Services to provide a perfect power backup system. The type of generator provided by Innovatiview depends upon the specific requirements of the client. It may be:

  • ·        Static Diesel Generator
  • ·        Mobile Diesel Generator

Depending on the frequency of power cuts in the location, cost of the power back-up system and size of the premises, the examination centre makes an apt choice.
How does Innovatiview function?

Innovatiview offers the best Portable Diesel Generator Services for power cut issue. Since, they use Pay Per Use Model, the service becomes really cost-effective for the clients. 

The service offered by Innovatiview can be divided into three stages:

  • Site visit and need-analysis
  • Transportation & implementation
  • Removal and winding-up 

First of all, a team of experts from Innovatiview conduct a site survey to assess the requirement of the client. The requirement and its solutions are discussed with the clients to make the final decision. In the next stage, the generator is transported to the examination venue. Also, a team of technical experts ensure that process of installation and implementation is free from any type of technical glitches. Finally, when the task is completed, generators are uninstalled and transported back to the warehouse.

For examination conducting bodies, Innovatiview is a boon. It provides a comprehensive list of solutions for the various issues faced while conducting exams. The company has experience of over eight years and they provide services throughout India.
